Download - DHL CSV Upload for DHL Parcels and Shipment products (Shipment labels)
Give it a try! No registration, just download, account setup, upload! A DHL Business Customer Account is required. The download is free and includes a demo license. If you then want to use the software in production, check out our Licensing models.
Version History
v1.8, 10/08/2023
- New: Change of the entry field for the shipment recipient's e-mail address for the DHL shipping confirmation / DHL parcel notification as of October 2023
v1.7, 04/12/2023
- New: Support for tabular customs declarations - additionally to the one-liner format (V1)
- New: Using the folder "label2invoice", every single shipping label including customs declarations is stored using the according invoice number - in case invoice numbers are used (for archiving or printing solutions)
v1.6, 01/27/2023
- New: Excel files (*.xlsx, *.xls) are now supported as direct input and export files
v1.5, 06/04/2022
- New: English Version
- Cancellation feature bugfix and better error messages
v1.2, 05/31/2022
- Cancellation feature improved (now import of the created barcode result CSV)
v1.1, 05/29/2022
- First public release (before: limited customer group)
Please note: Windows 10/11 installation problems
Note: When executing the extraction setup on Windows 10/11, you might experience warnings because our setup is not signed and virus detectors always have trouble with new software from small developers. These are so called 'false positives'. But don't take our word! Use VirusTotal to check for yourself!

This case is based on our unsigned setup. However, you can continue like follows (first click on "More info"):

Also, warnings when downloading in your browser are possible:

International Parcels, Packages, Packets, Dispatch of goods, DHL PDF Download, XLS/XLSX/Excel2DHL, Warenpost, Logistics, Online Shopping, Online business, E-commerce, Returns, Deutsche Post DHL Group, DHL, Deutsche Post, Excel / CSV Export Import, Upload, Harmonised Labels, Harmonized Labels, WaPoI, WaPoI EU, Customs, CN22, CN23, International Shipping, DHL Easylog, eBay Import, Shopping, e-Commerce, Logistics, Data Import, Data Export, Data Exchange, Automated, Automation, Database connection, Access, XML, JSON, Windows, Software